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전세계 코로나19 확진자 사이트 모음

전세계 코로나19(우한폐렴) 확진자를 확인해 볼 수 있는

사이트를 모아 봤습니다. 궁금하신 분은 참고하시기 바랍니다

하루 빨리 종식이 되기를 기원하며... 


RegionsPlaces reporting casesConfirmed casesDeaths 

Asia China 80261 2946
Asia Republic of Korea 4812 34
Asia Iran 1501 66
Asia Japan 254 6
Asia Singapore 108 0
Asia Kuwait 56 0
Asia Bahrain 47 0
Asia Thailand 43 1
Asia Taiwan 41 1
Asia Malaysia 29 0
Asia Iraq 21 0
Asia United Arab Emirates 21 0
Asia Vietnam 16 0
Asia Lebanon 13 0
Asia Israel 10 0
Asia Oman 7 0
Asia India 5 0
Asia Pakistan 4 0
Asia Philippines 3 1
Asia Qatar 3 0
Asia Indonesia 2 0
Asia Saudi Arabia 1 0
Asia Afghanistan 1 0
Asia Jordan 1 0
Asia Nepal 1 0
Asia Cambodia 1 0
Asia Sri Lanka 1 0
Europe Italy 1835 52
Europe France 178 3
Europe Germany 157 0
Europe Spain 114 0
Europe United Kingdom 40 0
Europe Switzerland 30 0
Europe Norway 25 0
Europe Netherlands 18 0
Europe Austria 18 0
Europe Sweden 15 0
Europe San Marino 8 1
Europe Croatia 8 0
Europe Belgium 8 0
Europe Greece 7 0
Europe Finland 6 0
Europe Iceland 6 0
Europe Czech Republic 5 0
Europe Denmark 5 0
Europe Romania 3 0
Europe Russia 3 0
Europe Azerbaijan 3 0
Europe Georgia 3 0
Europe Portugal 2 0
Europe Andorra 1 0
Europe Luxembourg 1 0
Europe Estonia 1 0
Europe Belarus 1 0
Europe North Macedonia 1 0
Europe Monaco 1 0
Europe Lithuania 1 0
Europe Latvia 1 0
Europe Armenia 1 0
Europe Ireland 1 0
Other Cases on an international conveyance Japan 705 6
America United States of America 103 6
America Canada 27 0
America Ecuador 7 0
America Mexico 5 0
America Brazil 2 0
America Dominican Republic 1 0
Oceania Australia 33 1
Oceania New Zealand 1 0
Africa Algeria 3 0
Africa Egypt 2 0
Africa Tunisia 1 0
Africa Senegal 1 0
Africa Morocco 1 0
Africa Nigeria 1 0
  Total 90663 3124

(2020.3.03 기준)




Situation update worldwide, 3 March 2020

See the latest information on the geographical distribution of COVID-19 cases globally


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